Municipalities face a great challenge. Not only must they consider the utility’s budget, but multiple budgets encompassing all of their local government’s programs as well. Revenue generated from a public utility is not always reinvested back into operations and infrastructure, due to commitments to other programs and community needs.
As a private company, our only focus is you, the customer. Across Waterfield’s vast enterprise of various businesses, one value has always been constant: put the customer first. The Waterfield Legacy has been built on over 90 years of customer-first ideology.
Investing capital back into our systems and infrastructure, keeping systems in peak condition.
We allocate a minimum of 5% of our initial asset investment into our annual operating budget for system improvements.
We are not interested in taking jobs from the community. We know that the most valuable part of the utility is its people. We greatly value the experience of your operators and support staff.
We have no defined exit plan, and tend to own companies for generations.
Emergency service response for interruptions, water quality and collection issues.
Quality Monitoring.
Local and Secondary service teams scheduled geographically.